So curious how the other vintages were. This one is quite light and minerally and I am yet to detect the watermelon notes everyone else gets. I get more a hint of raspberries and some sort of orange blossom and pink grapefruit. That whiff of minerality that makes you feel beachy and...dang why is there not a tasting descriptive that really just says "fresh"? Like a waft of new air in a room that's been closed. Or, conversely the smell of a nice damp stony cave. Somewhere between that.This wine has that. But that waft is perfumed with the grapefruit and berries I mentioned...
So curious how the other vintages were. This one is quite light and minerally and I am yet to detect the watermelon notes everyone else gets. I get more a hint of raspberries and some sort of orange blossom and pink grapefruit. That whiff of minerality that makes you feel beachy and...dang why is there not a tasting descriptive that really just says "fresh"? Like a waft of new air in a room that's been closed. Or, conversely the smell of a nice damp stony cave. Somewhere between that.This wine has that. But that waft is perfumed with the grapefruit and berries I mentioned...
Sep 9th, 2016
Tart, not too fruit forward. Ate with a coleslaw that was a little too acidic, I think
Tart, not too fruit forward. Ate with a coleslaw that was a little too acidic, I think
Aug 22nd, 2016