Barry Lawson
A full, dark and rich red wine. Strong dark fruit and raisin nose. Prune and cedar palate - with a long and deep flavour profile.
Marco Poledri
Very good petit Syrah from Mexico.
Ryan S
Barely drinkable before decanting. Definitely needs to be paired with food rather than drunk separately.
Scott Sheaffer
Smooth and delicious but not quite full bodied enough for my taste.
Eduardo Gonzalez Dorbecker
Buen vino mexicano.
Ivan Mejia
L.A. Cetto.Petite Sirah. Valle de Guadalupe
El Pocas
One of the best from the L.A. Cetto Label
Nora Delgadillo
A nuestro parecer muy ácido!
Luis Qa
Roman Dabrowski
Roman had this 9 years ago