GiGi Bissonnette
Beautiful. Full. Complexe. Long. Soft tannins. Could age more. So Well balanced. 👌
Christophe Dujardin
Les plus veilles vignes de France. Vienne Sud de Lyon
1h de carafe, au nez c est peu expressif , en bouche on a une Syrah dense , très fumée et lardée , tanins bien fondus
Jonathan Wall
The highest compliment I could give this is a laser memory of the 1995 Alain Graillot Crozes Hermitages dominated the experience. Good good memories.
Edward Coxhead
Equinox. Stunning
Jennifer La Rosa
Jennifer had this 7 years ago
Patrick Blondin Sommelier
Patrick had this 8 years ago
Ray-Ray had this 7 years ago
Angie Holland
Angie had this 8 years ago
Caroline Dell
Caroline had this 8 years ago