Старый дуб, белый перец, вяленая вишня. Аккуратно, деликатно, приятно. Полный зрелый вкус, вишнево, лакрично, пряно. Очень хорошо. 16.5/20 (91/100)
Старый дуб, белый перец, вяленая вишня. Аккуратно, деликатно, приятно. Полный зрелый вкус, вишнево, лакрично, пряно. Очень хорошо. 16.5/20 (91/100)
Feb 21st, 2014
In a perfect place now, beautiful red fruit, leather and herbs/spices.
In a perfect place now, beautiful red fruit, leather and herbs/spices.
Jan 17th, 2018
Very dry wine, not full body;tend to be on the lighter side. Cherries; a little sour from the dryness but still complex. I realize I really like a balance of dry and fruit forward wine; really to neither extremes.
Very dry wine, not full body;tend to be on the lighter side. Cherries; a little sour from the dryness but still complex. I realize I really like a balance of dry and fruit forward wine; really to neither extremes.
Dec 29th, 2016