Elliot Oshman
Opened up nicely after decanting. Cork disintegrated but otherwise a delicious Napa cab.
David Clark
Blackberry and currant, silky tannins, well balanced, fruit perhaps slightly on the down slope but very enjoyable mature wine.
Alex Meier-Tomkins
2004 vintage. Well that was a nice one from the cellar.
Benjamin Keator
This one was done
David Stein
Great. Ready to drink. lots of fruit - black currents, minimal oak. Long smooth finish.
Michael Brown
The big boys came to play for dinner! @Thewinerist @winetwits @marika_vida
Cosmin Marinescu
Cosmin had this 10 years ago
Kerrin Laz
Kerrin had this 11 years ago
Hai Tran
Hai had this 11 years ago
Steven Foster
Wine buyer Belmont Wine Exchange
Steven had this 11 years ago