Rene Rostaing
La Landonne Côte-Rôtie Syrah

Un nez incroyable, tellement de couches d'arômes, grande classe et bel équilibre, très belle Landonne encore une fois. 93-94
Gorgeous and incredible nose, the palate is also great, such class and balance, gorgeous Landonne once more.
Un nez incroyable, tellement de couches d'arômes, grande classe et bel équilibre, très belle Landonne encore une fois. 93-94
Gorgeous and incredible nose, the palate is also great, such class and balance, gorgeous Landonne once more.

Cote Rotie me any day...and most especially with Persian cuisine.
Cote Rotie me any day...and most especially with Persian cuisine.
Nov 9th, 20192012 Rene Rostaing Cote Rotie La Landonne
This is amazing stuff. I have never had a better cote rotie. If you can imagine liquid pepper that is the finish of this wine. The Northern Rhone is amazing and never quite duplicated anywhere in the world. I ama better personfor ha ing had this (and withroast pork no less).
2012 Rene Rostaing Cote Rotie La Landonne
This is amazing stuff. I have never had a better cote rotie. If you can imagine liquid pepper that is the finish of this wine. The Northern Rhone is amazing and never quite duplicated anywhere in the world. I ama better personfor ha ing had this (and withroast pork no less).