viel Holzwürze, warm, Power, breit, dennoch mit Tiefe und viel Saft, komplex, im Abgang alkoholisch.
viel Holzwürze, warm, Power, breit, dennoch mit Tiefe und viel Saft, komplex, im Abgang alkoholisch.
Nov 26th, 2023
Nariz: ciruela, cereza, mora, cassis, todas maduras como jalea, algo de especies
Boca: al ataque se nota la fruta, Taninos M bastantes sedosos, Acidez M, Alcohol M+/ Alto. Buena expresión de Zinfandel de California.
Nariz: ciruela, cereza, mora, cassis, todas maduras como jalea, algo de especies
Boca: al ataque se nota la fruta, Taninos M bastantes sedosos, Acidez M, Alcohol M+/ Alto. Buena expresión de Zinfandel de California.
Sep 13th, 2017
Full body, complex finish, ready to drink now.
Full body, complex finish, ready to drink now.
Nov 14th, 2016
Drank with rib-eyes on the grill, potatoes and green beans with toasted garlic. A nice zin, with little of the usual spiciness. More fruit forward than normal in lieu of the spice. Still a nice, drinkable zin
Drank with rib-eyes on the grill, potatoes and green beans with toasted garlic. A nice zin, with little of the usual spiciness. More fruit forward than normal in lieu of the spice. Still a nice, drinkable zin
Oct 23rd, 2016