Stone Brewing Co.
Imperial Mutt Brown Ale

This quite a surprise, not a big fan of brown ales, but this drinks more like a porter, big coffee and chocolate notes, roasted dark barley, with substantial hop bitterness, like it a lot, not sure it is really in the style though, high AVB , 9%, but not complaining, because all over this is pretty good
This quite a surprise, not a big fan of brown ales, but this drinks more like a porter, big coffee and chocolate notes, roasted dark barley, with substantial hop bitterness, like it a lot, not sure it is really in the style though, high AVB , 9%, but not complaining, because all over this is pretty good
Apr 29th, 2015
In between a porter and a brown ale. Smells sweet and very easy to drink. Smooth and tasteful.
In between a porter and a brown ale. Smells sweet and very easy to drink. Smooth and tasteful.
Apr 23rd, 2015