Popped and poured; consumed over two hours. Beautiful, bright straw color. Very little sign of age, visually. A very pretty bouquet of quince, figs, honeysuckle, almonds and flan. On the palate it's peaches, melon with a touch of almond. Quite a sexy body and the acidity is just perfect. Long finish. Never dropped off. My last of three bottles and the most impressive of the bunch. Time was very kind to this. What a lovely, and frankly impressive, Chardonnay from McElmo.
Popped and poured; consumed over two hours. Beautiful, bright straw color. Very little sign of age, visually. A very pretty bouquet of quince, figs, honeysuckle, almonds and flan. On the palate it's peaches, melon with a touch of almond. Quite a sexy body and the acidity is just perfect. Long finish. Never dropped off. My last of three bottles and the most impressive of the bunch. Time was very kind to this. What a lovely, and frankly impressive, Chardonnay from McElmo.
Jun 12th, 2017