Woah. Love this bouquet. Super fresh, super zingy.
Love the cloudiness in the hue. A bushel of berries, a garden, a sharp and breezy forest.
Blackberries, raspberries, cherries. Tangerines, pomelo. Parsley 🌿
Lovely. Celebrating a big milestone today. Just received news that I’ll have my first print publication for a short story of mine that will be published in pages alongside one of Neil deGrasse Tyson’s short stories as well.
Over the moon 🌙
Woah. Love this bouquet. Super fresh, super zingy.
Love the cloudiness in the hue. A bushel of berries, a garden, a sharp and breezy forest.
Blackberries, raspberries, cherries. Tangerines, pomelo. Parsley 🌿
Lovely. Celebrating a big milestone today. Just received news that I’ll have my first print publication for a short story of mine that will be published in pages alongside one of Neil deGrasse Tyson’s short stories as well.
Over the moon 🌙
May 24th, 2021