Viña San Esteban

Reserve Aconcagua Cabernet Sauvignon

8.54 ratings
8.61 pro ratings
Aconcagua, Chile
Cabernet Sauvignon
Onion, Shallot, Garlic, Pasta, Venison, Tomato-Based, Potato, Pork, Chocolate & Caramel, White Rice, Mushrooms, Beef, Lamb, Chili & Hot Spicy
Top Notes For

This Chilean surprises me from a price/value point of view. After 4 years the mature tannins compensate well for the sunny fruity aromas, with bit off yummi but all of this without any sugary overkill, on the contrary. Although our nose is at the start fondled by ripe cherry scents, the lack of aftertaste in the furthermore impeccable finale betrays it’s humble descendence and it’s affordable price.

This Chilean surprises me from a price/value point of view. After 4 years the mature tannins compensate well for the sunny fruity aromas, with bit off yummi but all of this without any sugary overkill, on the contrary. Although our nose is at the start fondled by ripe cherry scents, the lack of aftertaste in the furthermore impeccable finale betrays it’s humble descendence and it’s affordable price.

May 5th, 2019
Adam Kincaid

Adam had this 8 years ago

Adam had this 8 years ago

Sep 24th, 2016
Michael Reder

Michael had this 6 years ago

Michael had this 6 years ago

Feb 5th, 2019
Mario Gochez

Mario had this 8 years ago

Mario had this 8 years ago

Jul 4th, 2016