Palest greenish gold, the wine smells of honeysuckle and Asian pear. In the mouth, wet chalkboard and lime zest mix with Asian pear and honeysuckle. Great acidity.
Palest greenish gold, the wine smells of honeysuckle and Asian pear. In the mouth, wet chalkboard and lime zest mix with Asian pear and honeysuckle. Great acidity.
Jun 22nd, 2015
Fresh, minty, pear. Took a good hour open to find its right balance and depth.
Fresh, minty, pear. Took a good hour open to find its right balance and depth.
Jun 16th, 2017
Profumatissimo e originale, un Glicine meraviglioso gli dona note inusuali ma piacevoli, agrumi e frutta esotica, lievi idrocarburi, minerale, spigoloso come si addice a un riesling giovane e con una bella persistenza
Profumatissimo e originale, un Glicine meraviglioso gli dona note inusuali ma piacevoli, agrumi e frutta esotica, lievi idrocarburi, minerale, spigoloso come si addice a un riesling giovane e con una bella persistenza
Nov 13th, 2015