Parag Lalit
A screaming value at 20 bones, even better with a blood pudding!!
Juan Pablo Perez
Nariz: albaricoque, limon, petrol, piedra mojada, kind budBoca: Seco, pero con un toque de dulzura, Acidez M+/alta y muy refrescante, Alcohol M. Buen vino.(Mendez)
David Coggins
Lovely Riesling with just the right amount of sweetness.
Kevin Yen
2014/2/20 @Blick Shanghai with Sha Ou's party
sally shen
真的闻到stone fruit的味道吗?其实十分钟后味道就完全很明显了,但是已经错了。
web bond
web had this 9 years ago
Marissa Miller
Owner Wine Director Donostia
Marissa had this 10 years ago
Ruth Troyano
Ruth had this 11 years ago
Michael Tseng
Michael had this 11 years ago