Wolf Blass
Yellow Label Cabernet Sauvignon

한국에서는 19000원 정도하는 와인이다
알콜향이 살짝 튀는 느낌이 있지만
심한수준은 아니고 무난하고 맛있다
리델글라스 때문에 샀지만 ㅎㅎ
한국에서는 19000원 정도하는 와인이다
알콜향이 살짝 튀는 느낌이 있지만
심한수준은 아니고 무난하고 맛있다
리델글라스 때문에 샀지만 ㅎㅎ
My feet ached as I walked from the bus, this promotion at work wasn't what I thought it would be. The bottle shop was closing but I caught it just in time. A bottle of wolf glass caught my eye, just what I need to take the edge off. The first glass took me off guard, I didn't expect such mature tannins from a ten dollar bottle, how wrong I was. Glass by glass I fell in love, my horrible work week seemed further and further away. A great drop, 10/10
My feet ached as I walked from the bus, this promotion at work wasn't what I thought it would be. The bottle shop was closing but I caught it just in time. A bottle of wolf glass caught my eye, just what I need to take the edge off. The first glass took me off guard, I didn't expect such mature tannins from a ten dollar bottle, how wrong I was. Glass by glass I fell in love, my horrible work week seemed further and further away. A great drop, 10/10