Master Sommelier - Rx Wine Lab Creator - Cocktalian - Beer Junkie - Drummer - Lover of Toto - Dad
Rocking! Everything a teenage White Burg aspires to be! #ralphscellar — 9 years ago
Excellent, nervy Nebbiolo from Lombardy side of Italy. Bright, crisp and linear. Red fruits l, exotic spices & wet rocks! @lamiconyc — 10 years ago
Pretty rocking Merlot from Tuscany. Smoky black cherries, exotic spices, savory dried herbs. #cantdrive55 — 9 years ago
Fred Dex
Master Sommelier
Amazing sparkling wine value! Loads of citrus, red berries and red flowers all laced together with beautiful acidity! #buythisbottle $15 is a steal! — 6 years ago