Bright fruit but harsh and tannic at the end. Could not drink this wine. — 3 years ago
Wonderful Cab blend that we first had at Seeing Red Wine Festival in Seaside, FL. — 2 years ago
Very good but not as good as some vintages. We’ll see how a few more years makes a difference. — 2 years ago
An Eden valley Australian Shiraz that is delightful with a great balance of tannins and dark fruits. Now I know why it was the last one on the shelf! — 3 years ago
2019 blend and it is outstanding. This is a fun find and seriously good! Dark fruits with a great balance of oak. Elyse has really done well with this deep balanced red blend. — 2 years ago
Really good and maybe a little fuller bodied than the Less expensive Lodi I recently posted. Great nose and long finish. — 3 years ago
Gene Harlow
Wonderful 2009 Cab. Full of dark fruit and jar enough wood. It has aged beautifully. Wish I had another case! — 2 years ago