So damn good, especially if you're in Philly eating very good pizza. — 4 years ago
Oh man, we were down for a while there with the whole electing a reckless racist horrible president who needlessly cause the deaths of hundreds of thousands, but this wine shouts from the mountain tops that AMERICA IS BACK and she's funkier and more dynamic than ever, with a slight and oh-so-pleasant effervescence. — 5 years ago
He poured me a massive glass by accident. On accident? With accident! Best accident. — 2 years ago
Will update after this opens up a bit, but dude this wine is 20 years old and tastes like a loaf of bread I left in my hockey bag. — 4 years ago
Honestly anything would taste good right now, I'm so starving. I've been moving furniture and taking TikTok videos for my girlfriend all day. Is this my talk therapy app? Alexa where is the closest Fuddruckers? — 3 years ago
I'm from Upstate, you're from Upstate, we're Upstate, and I love you, you crazy wine. This winemaker better not have a issue with vagrants because we'll be camping in their yard of vines when we go on our dank natty wine Finger Lakes adventure. — 5 years ago
Jamie Irving
Absolute banger, lordamercy. Bring this one to the monster truck rally because this thing could go toe to toe with Truckasaurus for king of non-fined show-stoppers — a year ago