LC11. Very dry. Not nearly as oxidative as the Selosse La Cote Faron. Enjoyable, interesting, maybe slightly challenging. Might be better with caviar and oysters (but what isn’t?). Might recheck in 5 years. — 6 years ago
Certainly a contender for best US sparkling. — 6 years ago
Certainly different than The Pontiff. This was lighter and more classically Rosé whereas in a blinder glass I’m not sure I would identify The Pontiff as a Rosé at all. For my taste, this was enjoyable, but not mind-blowing (which is usually the case for me with wines from SQN). — 5 years ago
Young, but so very good at this stage. I’m thinking that this will improve with age so if I’m able to get some I’ll try (but probably fail) to keep my hands off for a few years. The vines are farmed organically with a strong sense of stewardship mindful of the family legacy. I was lucky enough to taste the 2014 a couple of months ago (thanks @Weston Eidson) and the 2016 is just as good. Everything you want in a great Cabernet. — 6 years ago
Not for the faint of heart. Compared to other Selosse champagnes that I have had, this took the oxidative character and dialed it up to 11. Benefits from a decant. There certainly is a slight cider character here (to my palate). This, to me, is like, the farmhouse ale of champagne. If you like it, you probably love it. If not, maybe you (and I?) don’t understand it. Distinctive, thought provoking, and maybe, at this point in my continued exploration of champagne, not my thing. Wife didn’t like it at all, but especially not on opening. No rating as I feel I may not fully understand this bottling. I’ll go back to Substance or Originale for a bit before trying this again. — 6 years ago
Pleasant (for my palate), funk with lots of grilled meat character. — 6 years ago
Floral nose. Black fruit on the palate. Initially comes across as relatively light (for California Cabernet), but the finish persists nicely. These Morlet wines never disappoint me. — 6 years ago
Okay, I know I drank this too young (it was just released 5 months ago), but my curiosity got the best of me and since I was afforded the opportunity to share it with knowledgeable friends, I gave in to temptation. Having never had a domestic Mourvèdre (this also has 9% Syrah and 2% Viognier), I wasn’t sure what to expect. WA rated this 99. At this moment that may be a little generous on initial pour. I saved some in a glass and drank it 24 hours after opening and it was improved notably. I think LPB was closer than I would have guessed on that first pour. Decant judiciously if you can’t wait to open this. Wonderful dark fruit to match the dark color. A touch more elegant than the Andremily Syrah, but not inferior. I’m going to wait a few years to open another, but I’ll never have any questions about whether to purchase this wine (or any other of Jim Binn’s wines). — 6 years ago
In a good place, but still quite young with excellent acidity. I think I prefer the ‘96 Dom Perignon Oenotheque, but not by much. — 6 years ago
Keith Fisher
Shows it’s Christophe Baron pedigree. More restrained than Bionic Frog, but still with a long finish. Probably will benefit from a couple more years in the bottle. — 5 years ago