This one wasn't good, we poured it out. Maybe it was past its prime, but I don't want to try again to see — 10 years ago
Shockingly good for the price. Smooth, rich, and plumy. A new favorite — 10 years ago
Delicious full berry flavor. Went perfect with a garlic cheese and a spivey cheese — 9 years ago
This one wasn't good after opening. Tasted bad. But we tried it a couple days later and it was significantly better, that's a long breathing cycle — 10 years ago
Really good table wine — 10 years ago
Kelly had this 10 years ago
Good flavor with hints of currant, strawberry jam, vanilla and sweet spices but it has a slightly carbonated feel that I dont like — 10 years ago
Good, bit of a bite. Went really well with the sweet goat cheese. Not sure this makes my favorite list but I'd drink it again if it were around — 10 years ago
Good one not one I would rush back out for though — 10 years ago
Kelly Eisert
This is nice and light. Lovely aromas of Violets and jasmine followed by flavors of rich Crimson fruits. bread with olive oil and balsamic brought out the lighter flowery flavors. A bold cheese brought out the fruited flavors — 9 years ago