Amazing wine that seems to get no press coverage. Very surprised and impressed. Hope it stays low key so I can take advantage of its price before it becomes the next triple digit wine — 7 years ago
Scott had this 8 years ago
Wow. Just wow.
— 4 years ago
Scott had this 8 years ago
Scott had this 8 years ago
Scott had this 9 years ago
Giving a 9.3 but erring on the low side which might not be fair to this bottle. Drinks way more expensive than it is. Earthy tone on the nose is more spring-like and fresh than plowed field but palate gets hint of caramel/vanilla on the front. Really adds some complexity to a cab without being a sugary mess or taking away from its roots. Not sure I would pair this with game or a nice steak, but this is a great red that can stand on its own and is great to enjoy sitting on the deck watching the sun set — 7 years ago
Scott had this 8 years ago
Decent nose sets the stage for a really pleasant experience. Slightly fruity overtones well balanced with a light pepper. Given the low price point compared to its peers at higher cost, fast becoming a go-to wine for everyday consumption. — 8 years ago
Scott McCaffrey
Scott had this 3 years ago