A savory wine that is light, rich and fruity. Beautiful color and sweet aroma. One of my favorites from the Ackerman Family Vinyards, it's my "go to" wine for any occasion! — 3 years ago
Sweet, would be lovely as a dessert wine. I love the rhubarb flavor. — 5 years ago
The perfect start to a glorious 3 hour experience, light crisp clean with all things in balance One of those meals you don’t want to leave the table — 7 years ago
Excellent mousseux ! Sec mais pas trop, bcq de bulles, parfait ! — 4 years ago
Sweet and tart!! — 7 years ago
A real vinous sparkling wine. Extra dry. Beautiful pale dress, fine but numerous bubbles. Very expressive nose of peach, pear, candied citrus, brioche, dried fruits, hazelnut, and a saline touch, which extends on a sharp final. With 5 years of aging 2017, offers unity and a beautiful relief. Ideal to accompany a meal. Relevant alternative to Champagnes, especially in terms of its price!
Un vrai pétillant vineux, extra sec. Belle robe pale, bulles fines mais nombreuses. Nez très expressif de pêches, poire, agrumes confits, notes briochées, fruits secs, noisette, et un toucher salin, qui se prolonge bien sur une finale tranchante. Avec 5 ans de garde 2017 offre une unité et un beau relief. Idéal pour accompagner un repas. Alternative pertinente aux champagnes, surtout au regard de son prix! — 2 years ago
A full-bodied wine with definite notes of flowers, fruit, and lemon. Pair it with pasta, fish, or chicken and you can't go wrong! — 3 years ago
Light, little bit sweet wine — 5 years ago
Stuart Pollack
Beautiful Super Tuscan from
California. Sweet flavor from the Cabernet Sauvignon combined with spicy flavor from the Sangiovese. This went perfectly with ravioli marinara. — 3 months ago