Lover of: all things light, minerally, & red; in search of the perfect Chenin blanc, cru Beaujolais, mountain Nebbiolo, & varietals unknown.
Tropics wine continued: at a San Juan natural wine restaurant. Cheverny maker. Tangerine peel, almond paste, semi ripe mango notes; rounded palate & quite good overall. — 6 days ago
I adore this woman maker in the Dolomites, but my friends felt this white blend too suave for the setting (San Juan, PR) — 7 days ago
30% Montepulciano, 30% Cabernet Sauvignon, 20% Sangiovese, 10% Marselan, and 10% Alicante & an absolute charmer — a month ago
Tropics wine (cont): supermarket wine with enough depth & roundness to its green & yellow fruits — 6 days ago
Tropics wine (cont): San Juan natural wine restaurant- gamay blend from Cheverny maker. Like its white blend counterpart, vital & fresh if not uncomplicated — 6 days ago
A young buck maker in Piedmont. Popped & poured, a bit simpler than I expected, fresh & vibrant with black cherry & wild raspberries. A few more bottles to compare but I’ll decant next time. — a month ago
Tropics wine (cont): supermarket wine, hard to believe I was the last Delectable reviewer. Less purple than memory serves, & rather constrained given the Ribera source — 6 days ago
Our server knew we were risk takers but this may have been one risk too far. Canary Isle red which was way way too weird: medicinal, paint thinner, tree bark, baked tomatoes. At times easy to wonder if a bad bottle. Other times just odd, & most definitely the oddest Canary red I’ve ever had. Had at a San Juan, PR restaurant — 7 days ago
Vibrant Dark red fruits on nose, dark black/red tints; on palate elegant & smooth mouthfeel, with the black currants, cassis, & crushed dark red cherries all prominent. If I’m reading the previous notes properly this vintage appears to be heftier than others— no lightweight by any means. Delicious, with the asterisk of this lies on the refined side of Beaujolais making. Alcohol 13.5% — a month ago
Peter Sultan
Tropics wine (cont): Viognier/ Rueda blend that works better than it sounds. Some complexity too. — 4 days ago