Winner of the night. Yes 14.1% but still good. Plumy nose. Tannins fully resolved. Drink!!! Up. Lime, spices, Hint blueberry, violets. Touch cherry 🍒. Quite amazing. Who would have thought. Because typically i prefer Burghs. — 11 days ago
California in a bottle. Really really nice. Rhubarb, Strawberry, lime. And just this color alone is a sales argument. Enfield is without doubt one of the best wineries in CA. Still awesome on day two full galore strawberry if anyone does not get that you should stop being wine buddies. — 14 days ago
My go to inexpensive yet great Chard. 13.2% 900 cases produced. Less overt Citrus driven than in the past. 🍋 mostly. Grassy. Perhaps less convincing than previous vintages. Would love to see a little more complexity - but still good for the $. — 15 days ago
This turned out to be really excellent. Bought direct from Kermit Lynch. Classic, dark ripe cherry. Touch plum and extremely good soft and plenty of tannins. Quite tart now yet it will last a decade. Decant tons of air - or drink over 2 days. Back palate coater! Easily can match Brunellos at a better price point! — 2 hours ago
Quite smokey, dark fruit, spice. Just 13.1%. — 11 days ago
About every quarter or so i get to try a wine which just strikes me like thunder - this is such a wine. This one has a story (I met Pacalet in Encinitas - a total introvert but genius and bought 6 bottles). Earth, autumn leaves, iron, hint cherry, tannins fully resolved. Tamarind? Touch tumeric. A wine at its peak. 🍑 Peach!!! Heaven on earth what a wine! — 10 days ago
Unlike the 2013 Grand Cru where multiple bottles were not up to my standards. This from the same vintage is a little better. Nothing to ride home about though. Some cherry, tumeric. Back palate - dirt. Dusty, crushed marble. It just is NOT an interesting wine. May be this was an off vintage and it is the only one i bought - but i cannot recommend this producer. today - may be my notes will be better on day 2. — 13 days ago
Pinotman /// Andreas
Slighty better wine now (see my old notes) - First flat after 1 hour it shows. Elegant could benefit from a little more fruit. OK but not wow. For some reason her Pinots have not won me over. Certainly not Enderle & Moll level! — 2 hours ago