This is actually a beer but it is very unique and hard to describe. I was told it was "better" then the crazy mountain brand of Barley Wine I wanted to try by a snooty liquor store employee who was at least 10 years younger then me😒🙃 — 7 years ago
What a special beer, the story behind this great beer is just as great, big tropical and citrus notes, hops are sweet and not bitter, in my opinion rivals Zombie Dust, so much easier to get too, Awesome Pale Ale, SD style!!! — 9 years ago
This is a very good IPA. Taste, aroma, appearance is just what I hope for in a top-tier IPA. — 6 years ago
Perfect example of a ESB, toasted caramel malts, off set by fruity earthly hops, Very good — 9 years ago
Once only a draft release, now it bottles, hands down one of the best brown ales in the world, perfect in the style, roasted, toasted malts, nutty and very smooth, not over sweet, coffee and chocolate notes, but in the style, so not like a porter, easy drinking, very easy to session, if you are fan of this style, like New Castle, this is far superior — 9 years ago
Scott@Mister A’s-San Diego
AleSmith/Pizza Port collaboration. Delicious but the restrained/clinically beautiful AleSmith narrative/style horse-collars the punkish/raw PP influence a bit too much, Was expecting a bit more hop spiciness but, alas, no such offering. — 3 years ago