Anatolikos Vineyards

Anatolikos Vineyards

M fine Mavroudi wild fermented dry red 2016

Суперсочно, черная смородина, ликер, краска, гвоздика, какие-то еще нежные специи. Элегантно, сочно, кислотно, отличные танины. Клевый.

This is Anatolikos Vineyards Fine Mavroudi wild fermented 2016
— 5 years ago

Daniel P., Doctor and 1 other liked this

Anatolikos Vineyards

Thrace Fine Assyrtikob & Malagousia 2014

High acidity. Woody and vanilia aroma. Lime and green pepper hints. pretty good!!! — 10 years ago

Anatolikos Vineyards

Fine Assyrtiko 2017

Petrol, white peaches, honey, acacia and saline. Astoundingly delicious! — 4 years ago

Paul, Nicole and 5 others liked this

Gaia (Gaia's Estate)

Anatolikos Nemea Agiorgitiko 2006

Amazing dessert wine, similar but, for me, better than Vin Santo. Sweet, vanilla and cinnamon notes with a hint of... xmas... gluhwein...? Go for it! — 7 years ago

Anatolikos Vineyards

MV Mavroudi of Thrace Cabernet Sauvignon Merlot 2014

The wood is still too much present, if time can make it dissolve it will become a beauty — 7 years ago

Mike, Ira and 2 others liked this

Anatolikos Vineyards

M Fine Mavroudi of Thrace 2014

Had the 2014 in September 2018. Amazing! — 7 years ago