
Bodega Catena Zapata

White Stones Adrianna Vineyard Chardonnay 2021

I joined this white wine blind tasting session for a taste of the illustrious Chard duo from Catena Zapeta, despite knowing full well that white wine condition in my area has a pretty lacklustre record; and I’m pretty glad I did. The White Stones, thankfully, was [mostly] singing. Yes, there was a touch of honey and musk in the back end, but I felt it didn’t distract from the general message. Perhaps the reticent winemaking style here helped give it a little more resilience against the arduous travel. On the nose, there was nearly no fruit at the start - just sulphurous, flinty aromas. It does eventually yield to heavy swirling in the glass, revealing some pear and nutty notes. The palate was textural, sharp, and mineral. In fact the name could not be more apt. It was like licking stones, all covered in salt, lime juice and chopped sage. I really enjoyed it, but the wine that could have been still lingered on the back of my mind. One to revisit for sure. — 4 months ago

Ira, Jan and 11 others liked this


California Sauvignon Blanc 2017

Crisp, dry deliciousness — 6 years ago

Château Pontet-Canet

Pauillac Red Bordeaux Blend 2000

Wow. Dense. Jancis's comment about the 2000 (or was it 03) Pavie " "Port"? comes to mind. Maybe, maybe this wine will eventually, someday, somehow, after many, many, long, arduous years begin to possibly open up. Or maybe not! 😜 — 9 years ago

Jimmy Hayes
with Jimmy
David, Bree and 5 others liked this

Stella di Campalto Podere San Giuseppe

Rosso di Montalcino Sangiovese 2016

"How many bottles do you have left?"

Now imagine the nagging I received when I told her that it’s the only bottle we got, and that the importers have since sold out. I guess I should have expected this when my wife was quick to claim that it smelled like the perfume I got her for Christmas the moment the cork was pulled - anybody familiar with Le Labo's Rose 31? I thought it may have been her perfume itself, but alas, she wore none during dinner. Gosh, it really does smell like decaying roses, wood-spice, and musk. Swirl the glass and I was instantly hit with high-toned cherries, tinged with liquorice. Oh, so ethereal on the palate, yet so intensely flavoured. Gorgeous red fruits, earthy nuances, silky texture, and a bright acidity that carries the pure and energetic finish. What a wine!

Not hard to see why my wife’s smitten with this wine - I clearly am too. Thankfully, while I’ve failed with stockpiling on the Rosso, I did secure some of Stella’s Brunello for the household. Now it’s just the arduous task of explaining to her that it’s all cut from the same cloth without popping open one too early.
— 3 years ago

Jan, Ron and 20 others liked this
Aaron Tan

Aaron Tan Influencer Badge Premium Badge

@Peter van den Besselaar I did eventually open a bottle of Brunello 😂 perhaps for the “wrong” reason.
Aaron Tan

Aaron Tan Influencer Badge Premium Badge

@Brendan Baker Glad it did. Really loving this release of Stella’s wines.
Aaron Tan

Aaron Tan Influencer Badge Premium Badge

@Ceccherini Cristiano So good, and an absolute success on the drinkability front. Soldera somehow eludes me till this day. For a newcomer to draw comparisons with a legends of the regions, Stella’s definitely doing great things. Haha.

Ridge Vineyards

Estate Santa Cruz Mountains Cabernet Sauvignon Blend 2013

Delectable Wine

Perched high atop the North Atlantic plate in the Santa Cruz Mountains, Ridge’s Monte Bello property boasts a rich lineage that goes all the way back to the 1880s. Even today, the drive up the winding roads that lead to the top of Monte Bello is arduous. It’s virtually impossible to imagine what conditions must have been like 130 years ago. Ridge's 2013 Cabernet Sauvignon Estate is fabulous. Beams of tannin and acidity make a strong opening statement, but there is more than enough fruit to fill out the wine's frame. This is an especially dark, virile Estate. Then again, that is 2013. Inky blue-purplish fruit, licorice, sage, exotic spices, and lavender grace the exquisite finish. This is an absolutely delicious mountain Cabernet endowed with real pedigree and class. It is also arguably the single greatest value in California Cabernet Sauvignon. (Antonio Galloni, Vinous, Jul 2016) — 7 years ago

Greg, Shay and 7 others liked this

Château Musar

Gaston Hochar Grand Cru Red Blend 1998

When the chance came around to buy a case of this from an ex Chateau library release I jumped on it. $44 is a steal for this wine. The first smell is ‘Bordeaux’ and the first taste as well, but then the wine opens up to earthier and herbal aromas. Just a really joyful wine. 23 years old and probably should be drunk soon ... An arduous task indeed :) — 3 years ago


Mandolás Tokaji Dry Furmint Blend 2015

Hungary - no wonder the nectar from Tokaji grapes are mentioned in your National Anthem. Yes, I did my research, after this slick, juicy, drop had me weak at the knees. Well balanced acidity paired with a medium bodied concentration, you’ll feel as if a delicate lick of butter, watermelon and lime is shimmying its way across all corners of your mouth - find where it visited by following the tingling tracks with your tongue. Anthropomorphism would unveil a suave talking Eastern European man called Ambrus, who’d need no introduction. Not to your parents, your friends, your dog, nor your gold fish. This, he too, knows. Green, steady eyes, tanned skin, a strong will, and a smile that’s so good, it’s cruel. A man they’d all love, but would hate you to date. Someone who’d stroke your head, but look to the horizon. A man that enjoys all company, but has no plan to stay around. That’s perfect - too much of a good thing is arduous. Drink up, and look forward to introducing Ambrus, to people yet to know his charm. — 5 years ago

Bob, Severn and 4 others liked this