Saved this from a tasting in Spring of 2014, aged beautifully. Deep, complex, full of body and clean finish — 4 years ago
What a great producer. Lovely hint of coco and blackberry. One of my favorite from Oregon. — 6 years ago
Hanging with Aubrey & Steve — 2 years ago
The grapes for this wine are partially hand picked by Sunday school students as part of their class. A percentage of the proceeds from this wine are given back to the church in communion wine. All that said, this is one of our favorites from Four Horses and a Dog Winery. — 4 years ago
From Philippe and Nicole — 7 years ago
Roan wine class. Outstanding. Not fruit forward but not overly Tanic either. Smooth, subtle pallet. rich but not to earthy. — 5 years ago
Daniel Bloom
There is almost no red left to this bad boy, a complex color of brick, caramel,brown, roan.
The nose has a deep, delicious, stickiness, tar, spice, carob, clove, burnt orange peel, more. A swirl brings more.
There’s citrus in the nose, but it’s deep and teasing. Smelling, your mind wanders to places known and unknown.
P: is luscious, completely balanced. Tannins present but integrated. Liquorice, menthol, cocoa,mushrooms , dark red candy, the woods, creosote that lingers and turns into sweet tar. A complete pkg.
I believe at peak.
One of the finest Baroli I’ve encountered.
Thanks@ FassSelections — 2 years ago