Cantine F.lli Bellini


Bellini Prosecco

Great Prosecco. Perfect for mimosas. — 5 months ago

Dennis Sessanna
with Dennis


Bellini Sparkling Cocktail

5/9/2022: Really yummy!!! — 2 years ago


Vigneto Klin Collio White Blend 2013

Business in the front, party in the back Friulan style. Intense aromatics of sage, beeswax, kiwi, fennel pollen, yellow blossom, honeydew, hay. On the palate, a little peach Bellini action (ripe peach yet never sweet). Really complex, lovely wine. Needs San Danielle prosciutto to make it super special. — 5 months ago

Lyle, Jose and 7 others liked this

Azienda Agricola F.lli Agnes

Oltrepo Pavese Bonarda 2017

Già più maturo rispetto a 2016 o 2015. La siccità è stata ben gestita, rimane ti incredibile bevinilitá e l'alcool 15,5 gestito ottimamente. — 2 years ago

F.lli Bellei

Pietrarossa Lambrusco di Sorbara

Az. Agricola Pezzuoli Pietrarossa Lambrusco di Sorbara DOC: Light-bodied. Bright flavors. Fresh red fruits. A refreshing & fun sparkling wine perfect for all meals & all occasions. Great weekend to all! Cheers🍷 — 3 years ago

Severn, Trixie and 1 other liked this

Azienda Agricola F.lli Cigliuti

Serraboella Barbaresco Nebbiolo 2019

Cherry and raspberry with leather, earth, tar, tobacco and cedar. Complexly beautiful on the palate. Smooth. — 7 months ago

Ted, Severn and 8 others liked this


Vernaccia di San Gimignano 2022

Pleasant easy drink, hints of green apple juice — 7 months ago


Comedìa Rosso Toscano Sangiovese 2016

Fantastic dry red - loved every ounce!! — 4 years ago