Château Henye


Tokaji Pezsgo Henye Furmint Blend 2013

Delicious, nice and tart. — 4 years ago

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Henye Peszgő Méthode Traditionnelle Brut Tokaji Furmint Harslevelu 2012

Yeah. That is fun boots. Very unique, well made, pure. — 7 years ago


Sec Tokaji Furmint 2012

Brian McMahon

Country: Hungary
Region: Tokaj
Wine type: White
Varietals: White Blend
Varietal Notes: 85% Furmint, 15% Hárslevelu
Biodynamic: Practicing
Vineyard: Sourced from estate vineyards located in Tokaji’s heartland in the towns of Mád and Bodrogkeresztur. All are historically important grand cru sites including Henye, Percze, Becsek, and the great Lapis.
Soil: Clay and rock of volcanic origin (various Rhyolite Tuffs).
Viticulture: Farmed biodynamically, hand harvested.
Vinification: Fruit is gently pressed. Wild yeasts spurs natural fermentation in 500 liter Hungarian oak barrels
Production: 2,000 cases
Notes: Introduced by the domaine in ’05, this innovative dry wine wonderously balances Furmint’s viscous intensity and bright acidity.
— 9 years ago

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