With input from Sara Kavanaugh and @Jordan Mackay, I set up some wine challenges for @Andy Chabot. "High minerality, full to medium bodied white" yielded this amazingly supple and rich Viognier. — 9 years ago
Alluring yellow fruit and citrus aromas with some minerality that opens to well-balanced and juicy flavors on the tongue. A bit of a bite on the finish. Best served chilled. — 6 years ago
Wine challenge for @Andy Chabot inspired by Sara Kavanaugh and @Jordan Mackay: Syrah that drinks like Côte Rotie, but isn't. — 9 years ago
Sarah Chabot bday — 9 years ago
Mature, balanced, generous Napa cab with some depth. Wish they made em like this now. — 8 years ago
GORGEOUS Côtes du Rhône. From the folks of team Rayas. I want it with dinner and another bottle for dessert. @Jordan Mackay, this is what "Côtes du Rhône with some age on it, for less than $$$" got me. Brilliant challenge question for @Andy Chabot . — 9 years ago
Very tasty and the right balance of sweet and dry. — 9 years ago
Stuart Pollack
Very dense and heavy, slightly sweet Cabernet Sauvignon. Likely too young to open now. It improved significantly with air. Well-made but one-dimensional now. A lot of power but not much else. — 4 months ago