In principio chiuso. Poi bello — 7 years ago
I’ve been after this bottle for about a year; a great friend’s recommendation planted the urge to search.
On the sight it is an inky dark color with a watery rim. On the nose I get black cherry with a hint of dark chocolate. On the pallet I get the dark fruits followed by rich earthy flavors. It is full bodied, high alcohol, with fortress like tanning structure and the finish goes on for several minutes (literally).
Blew my mind. You know how they say Cabernet Franc’s offspring are Sauvignon Blanc and Cabernet Sauvignon? Well, this bottle holds that truth! 100% Cab Franc; the producer is certified biodynamic, unfiltered. 2011 vintage is drinking great right about now, could also be cellared for another ten years easily. — 5 years ago
Full, with rich flavors n textures, classic cab franc aromas n spice in the finish! — 6 years ago
zach Hatfield
Very good — 4 months ago