Strawberry leaf, white peach, and lime zest. Rich, creamy, yeasty notes of grilled bread. Vanilla. Nice mouthfeel, well balanced. Drinking this on the verge of the autumnal equinox, for which it seemed perfect. — 4 years ago
Tart, soft, dry, smooth finish — 4 years ago
Equinox, pushed by staff. Not 55/13. $35 auf $95. Solid, straewberry, pepper, slate — 2 years ago
Great Cabernet Sauvignon based blend from Ștefan Vodă. 2050 bottles produced, 30 months in oak barrels. Nut husk, sour cherry, black currant, clove, vanilla, licorice. Oak influence is heavy and is not well integrated yet. Very young. Typical powerful Ștefan Vodă style. Has potential, score doesn't account for that. — 4 years ago
Father’s Day — 3 years ago
So good! Yeasty, slight spice. Not too sweet. Found at Bi-mart appx $22 — 3 years ago
26 year old Santa Cruz Blanc de Blanc.17 years Triage according to label. Some sediment noticeable.
Dark gold color, surprisingly still has some bubbles. Cork broke during opening, corkscrew to the rescue. Notes are toasty, yeasty, and a bit funky in the finish (not horrible, ?rubber-ish, hard to describe, food would hide).
Good for curious geeking, not luxury seeking.
— 4 years ago
Gay brought to equinox dinner - biodynamic - Williams corner wines importer - super yummy, creamy, everyone really liked it, as did I! — 2 years ago