Mild acidity, ripe berries, apple, and honey. Great springtime wine. — 5 years ago
Dad really likes. Mom, too. — 6 years ago
An awesome Vouvray for the 💰. Here's a producer to seriously watch. Trained with Francois Pinon, and barrels come from Stephane Cossais.#cheninigans — 10 years ago
Francois' only still white bottling for 2016 after over 75% of crop was knocked out. Pulls from his 3 main vineyards. Only 1,600 cases.
A truly ethereal Chenin. Ripe juicy white peach, lemon drop candy, honey (upon open I couldn't help but think honey BBQ)/ smokey honey. Fresh garden greens and white flowers. Slightly oxidative nuttiness. Creamy custard. Canned pears.
So good. — 6 years ago
Francois’ garage in Beaune after tasting his and Val’s wine. Charlene cooking dinner. Perfumed, pretty nose. Fresh, elegant, glou glou. — 3 years ago
Watermelon, peach skin, flinty, rose petal. Thick mousse for a pet nat. White cherry and nectarine. Pretty ballin — 6 years ago
very interesting fruity round peachy wine! dfp — 2 months ago