Great Chardonnay for the price. — 6 years ago
Delicious. Aromatic, deep berry notes. Slight spice towards the finish, which is a pleasant pairing to how sweet the berry notes are. Not a typical dry Merlot. Would pair excellently with many meals, however, it is so flavorful and fruity that it can be sipped on its own. Also recommended to pair with desserts, particularly a dark chocolate. — 3 years ago
Excellent with red meat. We loved it — 6 years ago
Needed a longer decant but wonderful. Dad was skeptical “Grenache - what’s that?”. You have had it before dad, it’s good. Skeptical/irritated look. Ok, very little. Converted. Back three times for “just a little/ah might as well/yeah finish it off”. Kept it at his end of the table. — 6 years ago
President Obama
DAMN.4th of July on Derek's roof — 8 months ago