La Bastarda

Fedellos Do Couto

Bastarda Merenzao 2021


Light bodied. Packed with a ton of flavor. I have loved everything from this producer. Mint and wet gravel to go along with beautiful red fruit. — 4 months ago

with Jeni
Ron, Tom and 3 others liked this

Ca' Di Mat

Valautin Garnacha 2018

"An analysis of 286 penalty shootouts found most keepers prefer to leap left (49.3%) or right (44.4%) instead of staying put in the centre (6.3%)".

So DC said to TW, "If you can guess how many percent alcohol this is, I'll give you a free bottle". When approached with a question like this, the better choice is to treat it like a goalkeeper - jump to either extremes. In this case, TW jumped left, DC won the shoot out, and no handouts were made.

15% abv! What?! Can't blame TW for punting on the low end. It's such a pale and airy red. And gosh, it didn't help that the similarly coloured Fedellos Bastarda at 12% abv was just presented prior (not that colour's any good at indicating alcohol). The wine itself was beautiful - red-fruited, spicy, floral, with notes of blood orange and an underlying minerality. Only after careful contrasting and some time (which was what we should have done in the first place) did we pick up the warmth in the rather long finish. Air too brought a clearer perception of the silky texture. Overall, a wine that would certainly knock you out if you're not careful of it's highly quaffable nature.
— 3 years ago

Keith, Peter and 11 others liked this

La Bastarda

Pinot Grigio

I love La Bastarda. And it's often on sale! — 8 years ago