Crushed vitamins watermelon dog sweat. Not the greatest. Tasted better on day 2. Lost the crushed vitamin watermelon thing and had nice texture and freshness/balance. — 4 years ago
3 July 2018. Lost Dog Café, Binghamton, NY. — 7 years ago
Really liked this.. but it has been a few weeks — 7 years ago
uncovered this 2015 that must have been lost for a while and was glad I did. great food wine with a lot going on, wonderful wine. — 5 years ago
This wine almost brought tears to my eyes. I have given up on Zin because they are just big alcohol bombs and all of the fruit is lost in the process. Steve has taken HIS approach on this young fruit. This is elegant and sexy. The fruit comes first along with some beautiful minerality. This is how Zin should be made. I’m back in the Zin world thanks to this winner. It is young and I’m excited to see what unfurl in the future — 6 years ago
My introduction to and one of my favorite St. Estephe.  at first blush is incredibly tight, tannins coat your entire younger, this wine is just tighter than a three legged cat in a dog pound. Give it a good hour or so in then tannins fade, it’s like it’s enough good structure to be able to enjoy the wine but you get wonderful flavors of fresh rose and chewing on green herbs that go into beef Bourgogne and all of that fun stuff. The tannins fade into velvet, not Lou Reed in the velvet underground, but an iron fist with a velvet glove. There’s a solidity behind it that smacks you in the face with delicious plum and green herb and just floral flavors that would make Monet slap himself in jealousy. Drinking this wine after giving it time to decant makes you realize that you actually have lost that loving feeling and need to drink more wine. — 4 years ago
John Marriott
Enjoyable wine that does what it says on the label. — 3 years ago