Oenoterra Dealu Mare


Purpura Valahica Red Blend 2017

Quite surprised with the ageing of this 2017 drunk in 2024. A blood like scent (no Brett), followed by tons of primary, black currant, plums, sweet oak spice. Black. I feel a bit the alcohol and also the peak, acidity falling and warming the front palate. Yet, 2017, complex in the nose, a bit alcoholic in the mouth…stands out at his age. Good — 13 hours ago


Vine in Flames Pinot Noir 2018

— 4 years ago

Terra Romana

Cuvée Charlotte Red Blend

Perfect wine for recovering from a tragic lunch. The place wasn’t allowed to serve any alcohol because there was an EU meeting going on next door. Thanks a lot, Juncker. — 5 years ago

Amanda Danger Lundberg
with Amanda
Anthony liked this
Anthony De Blasi

Anthony De Blasi

Juncker without a drink? 🤣

Aurelia Visinescu

Anima Dealu Mare Merlot 2017

Slight oak and black fruits. Tabasco. Concentrated. A bit spicy but with sweetness. Smooth from initial. Gentle tannin. Anima Merlot 17 @3740, Yanag, 240323-240403 — 6 months ago


Vine in Flames Chardonnay

うきうき激安セットのひとつ、ルーマニア産のシャルドネ。同国の白は初めてかと思う。樽が効いていて、リッチな味わい。ドライでもあり飲み飽きしないかと思います。リピートしたいね。 — 4 years ago

1000 de Chipuri

Dealu Mare Fetească Neagră 2017

Fintesti 2017, Corks Cozy Bar, Bucharest — 3 years ago

Crama Ceptura

Sec Fetească Regală de Ceptura

To buy and enjoy again! — 3 years ago


Faurar Rosu de Ceptura Red Blend 2015

Very friendly souple wine. Featsca neagra as lead violist in an orchestea of merlot and cab sauvignon. — 5 years ago

"Odedi" liked this


Flamboyant Red Blend

Not cheap, but very nice. Best one so far — 5 years ago

Amanda Danger Lundberg
with Amanda
Anthony liked this