@David A Lentine @Bill Bender @Ron R @Joe Lucca @Jody Scharf @Howard Greenfield @Holli Greenfield @Eric Shanks @Patrice Breton @Brian Messineo @Greg Ballington @Mark Carter @Drew Feinberg @Jason Chang @Jim Trobaugh @Paul T @Terri Walker @Kimberly Anderson @Kirk Alexander If this isn't a 100 point bottle of wine and a "10" Pic........I don't know what is!!! 💯💯😍😍💯💯. Some of you may remember the post that I did back in March over a truly incredible bottle of 2012 Nine Suns. I took a Picture of the cork that said "we love you already". My 1st granddaughter!! The angel is just a few days old. She's already leaning for a sip of Verite!!! Smart Girl!!! I actually sent a text to my friend Howard right after I opened it and told him "I don't get it". I gave it four hours and boy was I wrong. Truly seamless, truly integrated, true perfection. It's young and needed a little time. My friend Kirk tells me all the time "the sign to a great bottle is that nothing stands out". That's because everything is seamlessly integrated." He's 100% correct. This fires on all cylinders but does it eloquently with finesse and grace. The only thing you have to focus on is not what is evident and in your face but what can be relished through countless layers of taste profiles. All I can say to this is Bravo!! 1st and foremost to my daughter and her little Angel Colette. 😇. — 8 years ago
From the "Gang of Four" (courtesy of Kermit Lynch the three others being Marcel Lapierre, Jean Foillard and Guy Breton).
I detect a bit of disturbing band aid notes (as in Brett) which leads me to believe this otherwise great wine/vintage won't last long so drink and enjoy!
Cru Beaujolais are sooo overlooked!!
— 10 years ago
Paul T HB
Better than expected for $60.00
Winery notes
Unique circumstances helped create the monumentally impressive 2013 Le Petit Vice. Proprietor Patrice Breton worked with Paul Hobbs and Mike Smith in the beginning, and finished the wine with the help of Philippe Melka, and Shawn Johnson… Four of Napa Valley’s most accomplished winemakers.
Aged for 22 months in Taransaud and Marques French oak barrels, this wine impresses with its unbridled depth and seemingly unending complexity. These are characteristics you might expect from a $150 Napa Valley Cabernet… — 5 years ago