
Celler Sota Els Angels

Flow Sea Natural Cariñena Blend 2022

Wine pairing at Black Iron Bystro with duck pastrami. — 4 months ago

Bonnie Hodur
with Bonnie

Orto Vins SCP

Orto Montsant Grenache Blend 2017

Earthy blend of 55% Samsó (Cariñena), 35% Garnacha, 10 % Ull de Llebre (Tempranillo) and 5% Picapoll from Orto’s vineyards in Masroig. Aged in French oak for 6 months. Quite fragrant with aromas of dark fruit, plum, dark chocolate and Mediterranean herbs. Rustic, powerful. Dry and rather harsh finish — 5 years ago

Celler Martin Faixó

Perafita Picapoll

Slight salty finish makes it a great beach wine! Or with seafood. It's like tasting Cadaques — 7 years ago

Celler Comalats

Marquesa 2022

A white wine drinker’s orange. Inoffensive so uninteresting to me, but no faults. GOTA!! — a year ago

Erik, Severn and 4 others liked this

Celler Cal Pla

Mas d'en Compte Blanco Priorat White Blend 2015

Tasta Porrera 2019. 60% Garnatxa, 20% Pansal, 20% Picapoll. 10,00.
— 5 years ago

Jorge and Jaume liked this
Jaume Claramunt

Jaume Claramunt

Un dels millors priorats blancs ...
Jordi Pazo

Jordi Pazo

Estic absolutament d'acord amb tu, encara que hi hagi qui cregui que té una mica massa de fusta, a mi m'encanta. Amb la 2015, és la quarta anyada que tinc al meu celler...😉😉

Anna Espelt

Pla de Tudela Picapolla 2020

This is Picpoul from Catalonia in Spain. Very interesting wine. Tasty. At Enigma Concept. — 2 years ago

Romain, Josh and 5 others liked this

Oller del Mas

Petit Bernat Pla de Bages Macabeo Blend 2021

Low aroma, light bodied, citrus accents with a slightly bitter aftertaste. Easy to drink, pairs well with gazpacho, vegetable dishes, and sea bass. — 3 years ago

Celler Francisco Castillo

Clos Dominic Clos Blanc 2016

Vila. Tast Blancs del Priorat. 23,50.
85% Garnatxa BL, 12% Picapoll BL, 3% PX. 550 Ampolles.
— 6 years ago

Jorge liked this

Celler Joaquim Batlle

Foranell Picapoll 2013

Subtle pineapple. Light but gains weight on the finish. Outstanding. — 8 years ago