Perfect cab. Not too sweet or too dry — 6 years ago
Fragrant and delicately fruity, gorgeous peachy-pink. What you drink when a fascist, racist sexual predator defeats the should-have-been-first-woman-president. — 8 years ago
Brightly bitter, with a long yeasty, wheaty finish. Yum! — 9 years ago
2016 vintage. Decanted and tasted immediately. Bigg. Heavy body. Phenomenal and smooth but tight and leaning on you like a predator creditor. Came back to those after 8 hours lounging in the decanter. Now, medium-heavy body with more spices than Marco Polo ever dreamed of. The SQN wines, both white (better than the reds) and red, are eff you wines. They are ridiculous and defy norms, values and expectations. This has 30+ years of top-notch drinking. Great for lamb, turkey, wild game and…yah…boring beef. 12.25.24. — 3 months ago
Chocolate and cherries — 7 years ago
Willa had this 9 years ago
Awesome Cab. Had in Chattanooga at Lakeshore marina. Has a great wood flavor with a hint of sweetness. Would definitely buy again. — 9 months ago
Like a predator taking in the scent of it's pray, I had been leering at this bottle all night. Then she finally opened up and spilled her juices and I had come to the hard realization that I won't so soon see her again. — 7 years ago
Delectable identified this as Cab franc but actually it is the Predator Meritage-a real find. Smooth, rich, low tannins but nicely balanced acid with tons of dark fruit — 9 years ago
My Fave at Haskel Tasting. — 3 months ago