Dark and romantic, smooth and surprising, a series of intriguing mini-stories to float through ~ would buy again! — 3 years ago
Like a good romantic comedy that you’ll for sure watch again- but with a nagging sense of wanting for more. — 7 years ago
I love my classic wines, by this wine I felt in love with wine especially red wine. This is in my opinion one of the wines that made the wine world beautiful and romantic. And it’s still just very good stuff, give it a decade (or two) and find a great evening like this. Love it — 2 years ago
In 1984 I had this wine for the first time, and all the years I kept a so called romantic memory about it. I bought the wine at that time for €15,00. It was in my younger days and unless the poor vintage it tasted well. Recently I was in the opportunity to buy some bottles and I didn’t hesitate. At €30,00 I call it a bargain and the wine is fully satisfying to me and my memories. — 2 years ago
Carina Gupta
Gorgeous bottle, perfect for a romantic NYC picnic amongst cherry blossoms! Light, floral, easy to drink a lot of. I’m writing this review after drinking from what I remember (it made an impression) - will be buying again and leaving more detailed tasting notes. — 10 months ago