Sapori Mediterranei

Tenimenti CIVA

Biele Zôe Cuvée 85/15 Friuli Colli Orientali Friulano

Molto buono, un rosso non troppo corposo ma importante. Sapori di frutti rossi — 4 years ago

Azienda Agricola Dino Illuminati

Riparosso Montepulciano d'Abruzzo

Great taste!
Special with strong flawor dishes... like pepperoni, boar or brasato!
Gran gusto!
Speciale con piatti dai sapori forti come primi ai peperoni o brasato o cinghiale!
— 7 years ago

Agricoltori del Chianti Geografico

Contessa di Radda Chianti Classico Sangiovese 2015

Little cinnamon …. I liked it more than most here. Would try again in a second….
@sapori toscani firenze
— 3 years ago

Anthony liked this

Brassfield Estate Winery

Eruption Proprietary Volcano Ridge Vineyard Malbec Blend

Blueberries, mixed berry tart, and toasty vanilla notes. 2nd glass of wine drank at Sapori in Chicago. — 5 years ago

Paul Kreuter
with Paul

Natale Verga

Heredis Langhe Nebbiolo

Had at Sapori Trattoria — 3 years ago


Sapori della Vigna Bianco Sparkling Blend


Indeed very dry and love frizzanteness. Drinks easily with Autumn charcuterie and cheese board — 5 years ago

Tenuta Greppo (Biondi-Santi)

Brunello di Montalcino Sangiovese 2012

Have not had Brunello from Biondi-Santi before and an amazing dinner at Vini e Vecchi Sapori in Florence was a perfect occasion (esp for $70 under US retail). Definitely could use more time, but accessible now with a bit of air and the right pairing. Dark red fruit on the nose, quite tannic but integrated, and an excellent finish with great acid. — 6 years ago

Allison Kant
with Allison
Jae, Michael and 5 others liked this