Love this wine. Crisp and minerally. Would buy a case! — 8 years ago
This wine took a little while to open up but when it did it was quite bombastic with tons of blackberry and nutmeg. It sustains well. Held up well against a crispy, rich thin crust pizza. — 8 years ago
Nose is intense. Some peach. Some white truffle? Very good.
Palate is peach juice. Good balance. Some spice. Delicious. Good acidity.
— 4 years ago
One of the best Pinot Grigio I’ve had. Complex with spiciness. — 7 years ago
Delicious blend of Cab Sav, Pinot Nero and Schiopetto. Takes a long time to open up. It worth the wait. — 8 years ago
Wine is fresh right and crisp. Flavors of citrus, lemon and a long pleasant finish. Perfect! — 7 years ago
Nez ample, fruité, tabac, en bouche fruité , corsé , tannins souple, long en bouche 30$ — 8 years ago
Enjoyed but not memorable — 8 years ago
Paolo Pascolo
Great blend with Friulano (Sauvignon Vert) 50%, Pinot Blanc 20%, Sauvignon Blanc 20%, Pinot Gris 10%. The nose is intense and fruity. Peach, Lemon, Grapefruit. In the mouth is long and persistent. Bread crumbs. — 4 years ago