Sion Jouzo


Sion Kölsch


Richtig Kolsch! Zum wohl — 2 months ago

Brian, Daniel and 1 other liked this
Doug Powers

Doug Powers

@ESF, I still have 6 of their beer glasses purchased in Cologne at their beer bar in 1980!!


Fell in love with Kolsch over there in late 80s myself - always try to drink the real stuff when I can find it

Marie-Bernard Gillioz

Sion Fendant Chasselas 2018

Brunch on a warm summer day in the mountains. What better way to complement our gourmet selection than a delicious Fendant. Signature slight effervescence with balanced fruit and acidity. Bliss. — 5 years ago

Sarah MangoldElisabeth Mangold
with Sarah and Elisabeth
Sarah and Elisabeth liked this

Robert Gilliard

Les Murettes Fendant Chasselas 2022


The kind of Chasselas I love — with heavy minerality, almost sparkling. — 8 months ago

Robert Gilliard

Sion Dole des Monts Pinot Noir-Gamay

Delicate PN. Subtle beauty — 2 years ago


Les Grands Dignitaires Dôle du Valais AOC Gloire du Rhône Pinot Noir-Gamay 2017

Ver easy to drink, slightly on the sweeter side, no harshness — 4 years ago

Les Fils de Charles Favre

Hurlevent Pinot Gris

Quakers - sweeter than expected, but beautifully smooth. — 6 years ago

Cave Fin Bec

Fendant de Sion

Perfect w cheese fondue — 8 months ago

Jeffrey Rosenbluth
with Jeffrey

Château Constellation SA

Fendant 2021

Rob N

Swiss chasselas — crisp and enjoyable for the price. 16.50 CHF. — 2 years ago

Brent liked this