Dry salty white. Portuguese whites are waaaay under appreciated — 8 years ago
I tasted this new (2014) vintage a couple months ago, and gave it a 91. It's a definite improvement over the 2013, which was decent, but the tannins were a bit too angular IMO. The 2014 package is new, but it looks like they had some "old" label and capsule stock to run out. No worries, the wine is good and the new packaging will eventually be out in the market. This is a gem and should be consumed in copious quantities. So this rating is higher. Deal with it. — 9 years ago
One to save. Too tired to be fancy with describing it. — 6 years ago
Very quaffable — 8 years ago
This would have peeled the paint off the walls when new. Beautiful now with good fruit and nice spiciness still. Really good. — 9 years ago
2005 vintage — 6 years ago
Great wine 2013 — 7 years ago
marc de kort
Surprised by the blend 2017, a bit spicy and for sure high end % — 8 months ago