Tenuta Terre Nobili Di Lidia Matera

Tenuta Terre Nobili di Lidia Matera

Alarico Valle del Crati IGT Nerello Cappuccio/Nerello Mascalese 2017

Paul J

I really enjoyed this! Great recommendation as it was really different. Massive allspice, cloves, and chocolate. Super smooth and thick. Great value at £24, so much so that I bought a bottle for the road! Best thing was the guy was a Blue Jays fan! Not many of those in London! — 5 years ago

Brooke Weaver Jakubowski
with Brooke
Ron, David and 2 others liked this

Tenuta Terre Nobili di Lidia Matera

Cariglio Magliocco 2011


At Zucca, London. 2011 vintage with Evan. 2012 vintage with Mike and Besse. — 10 years ago