Lime of Waitaki, take me higher and deeper. — 7 years ago
Slightly sweet but refreshing nonetheless! Perfect for pasta or a nice tangy salad! — 9 years ago
Beautiful bold wine from north otago. It has the raw power of limestone combined with hints of raspberry and plum. Powerful aroma. Pick a meat that can stand up to the wine. It almost tastes like a Rhone blend in my opinion. — 9 years ago
Such a pretty little bottle with soft salmon colored juice inside. This rocked with a rich lobster and some roasted curry cauliflower - no kidding. Stawberry and lime. Plenty of bubbles.
It’s soft and subtle, but powers through and can toe-to-toe some of the bolder flavors we were enjoying.
In a walk earlier I saw a little girl in braids and a skirt juking out some older boys in a backyard football game. This is that scene. — 4 years ago
More spice and less full fruit character than Central/Gibbston expression.. nose says plum but palate is dominated by Sour cherry giving freshness. Tasted back to back with the Etna, this lost bigtime. — 6 years ago
Concentration, spice, opulence, and layers of flavour. Quite a unique effort in a sea of similar styles here in NZ. Keeping my eye on wines from the Waitaki Valley at the moment. — 8 years ago
Reminds me of a Feinherb/Kabinet. A bit of RS, but tons of acidity keeps it in check. Drank much better on night 2 where it showed more besides lime and laserbeams and felt more fleshed out. — 9 years ago
Tobin Spratte
Notes of citrus, dried mango and apricots, minerals, and petrol with heady floral aromas. Slightly more Old World than the Aussie Rieslings I've had. Nice finish. Loving the age on it. — a year ago