Zee Wines

Adega Regional de Colares

Arenæ Colares Malvasia 2021

Dicht bij de zee. Grootste gevaar de zeewind. Daarom hangen de druiven laag. Wilde dieren. Maar verder weinig gevaren. Na ca 3-5yr op de markt. Neus: gedroogd steenfruit, perzik, honing, gestoofde groene appels, heel geparfumeerd. Opent zich langzaam in het glas. Zit veel in verborgen. Parfum van gele bloesem, maar ook rose wilde rozen. in de smaak meer citrus, limoen, citroen. Aan het eind veel mineraliteit, zout, hartig door lees ageing? M+ body, 12% alcohol, droog. Ter plekke geproefd. Proeverij met dochter ‘president’ — 8 days ago

Château Tanunda

Mattiske Road Single Vineyard Shiraz 2015

very good, drank with van zee, buy again — 8 years ago

Otto's Constant Dream

Marlborough Sauvignon Blanc

Perfect post bora bora new zee zee trip sav blanc — 6 years ago

Michael David Winery

Freakshow The Strongest Man on Earth Lodi Cabernet Sauvignon

It's velvety (JP) Velvet on par with crown royal wrappings (HF) It tastes like ZEE circus (MRG) — 7 years ago

Haley FoxJazmina Pumputis
with Haley and Jazmina


Trocken Kabinett Spätburgunder Rosé 2016

Zee Germans do rosé. And as they are Germans, they do it well... — 8 years ago

Dominik liked this

Giacomo Borgogno & Figli

Riserva Pinin Barolo Nebbiolo 2011

Getting our Italian on in zee Alps — 8 years ago

Michal liked this

Bethel Heights Vineyard

Casteel Reserve Eola - Amity Hills Pinot Noir 2008

In the ZONE. It delivers zee goods. — 6 years ago

Shay, David and 4 others liked this

Woodland Empire Ale Craft


Wheat beer fermented with sourdough culture. Congrats to Dr. David Zee! — 7 years ago

Matthew Kapelewski
with Matthew
Xiaowen, Mark and 10 others liked this
Dave Harris

Dave Harris



Prosa Pinot Noir Rosé 2016

Like a fresh and relaxing bicycle ride around the Nieusiedler Zee. — 8 years ago