This wine leapt out of the bottle at me in a way that made me think ‘crud this wine has something to say and I don’t know if I’ll like it’. Whatever it was—almost some beer notes? makes some sense being from a country with a month devoted to beer— bounded out of the bottle. On the palate a more restrained refresher. For some reason when I drink this wine I close my eyes and see sea turqoise waves made of cardboard—like the ones in old-time plays that stagehands pull back and forth to emulate ocean waves. Cool and a touch of salinity. Ooh and it just pulled out a bouquet of roses. A little old-school, a little surprising, and always the gentleman this wine is a catch. — 5 years ago
If you don’t want to think about this wine, no problem, you’ll have fun. If you do there’s a lot to cogitate on. The Animaniacs of wine. It has complexity (intriguing watermelon/river stone/candied watermelon/underripe strawberry/strawberry leaf) but also is just so pleasant in a way that I think: oh a non-wine snob would adore this too. Bubs are plush albeit don’t last so long as I might yearn for but then is that what I got for pouring into a syrah glass? You tell me Riedel lovers. — 5 years ago
100 percent Pinot Noir this wine neither whispers nor screams but it is not boring to listen to. Is it Ira Glass? I don’t know but it is a bit strawberry and freshness and a smidge of pleasant salinity. The toasty notes are downplayed. Good for fun and for more august wine thoughts. Especially august in August. — 5 years ago
I might not know it was rosé if blind tasted and I might not mind. But it DOES have that berry thing. Barely but just enough. It is cherry-berry it is mineral it is just fun. And white peaches and salt. And thyme. Hmm. It’s someone to hang out with when you need a friend also when that friend needs food friendly and if your friends don’t like food I’d be concerned. — 5 years ago
How I adore this. Roederer is legion, and this wine rocks. It’s toast with raspberry jam and a glass of blood orange juice. All sprinkled with candied violets and love. I can’t prove the love part but someone raised this wine right. Take it wine in hand take it in glass take it in. — 5 years ago
Pale salmon all seashell and saltwater on the nose. So we have both river and ocean in one glass, boom. Jumpy but fine bubbles and same as nose but add in lilacs and raspberries so we are moving from water to land. Then the bubbles burst upon the tongue and we have sky. Am I missing any element? Nah, this is fire.
Well-priced fire to boot. Trentodoc I see you.
Update: just realized I reviewed this before but that was in relation to pairing with pizza. Which is fabulous at. But love it solo too! — 5 years ago
So many seashells and I feel like if I were a I dunno, professional (I am! But my morale)I would get a ...-mineral core. When have I ever spoken of a mineral core? Except this bubbly has one. Run along the ocean, taste the rainbow and smell the sea spray. Party like an upscale wine lover who wants something they can think about...if they want. So very mineral and so much underripe to ripe strawberry just like my bestie on his-sage but old at heart. But then that mineral cut. This is equal parts fun and a disciplinarian — 5 years ago
Ellen Clifford

Plush peaches and strawberries and stones and white pepper, and it goes down with greenery. Quite good. New World ripe but not overly so. Refreshing fun I wish I saw more Cap Classique around.. — 5 years ago