
Azienda Vitivinicola Sobrero

Ciabot Tanasio Barolo Nebbiolo 2011


When I first moved to NY, I worked with a guy who was, well, maybe connected. Like Tony Soprano connected. And he went to I Trulli a LOT. And so I was inspired to try it and it. was. good. Back for only my 2nd time, the all-Italian wine list is certainly intimidating, but I know the Nebbiolo grape, as finicky as it may be, is one people respect, and nurture, and cultivate into something gorgeous. This Barolo is awesomely-paired with my arugula and fresh parm salad - star anise (maybe a theme here?!), cherry, blackberry to the nose. I respect a good Barolo in that this grape requires optimal conditions to flourish, and altho it's such a small part of the Piedmont output, it's often the most coveted. I Trulli love you. šŸ˜‰ Now bring on the pasta! #bepicky #barolo ā€” 9 years ago

Ron, Mike and 11 others liked this
Ron R

Ron R Influencer Badge Premium Badge

I like your "accessorizing" with the tasting note.
Sharon B

Sharon B Influencer Badge

Sounds delicious!
Jody Scharf

Jody Scharf Premium Badge

A fave of mine Meg. Great spot